Monday, May 3, 2010

Starting a New Online Career!

Most people I talk to, tell me they've thought about starting their own home based business several times during their lifetime. They don't have any concept on how to build a business. There're so many different kinds of business opportunities out there, they don't know where to even start in the process. Most people don't know who they can consult with, to learn how this whole process works. Well, now there's hope for the uninformed, want to be, entrepreneurs.

There are some basic factors that we must address before any recommendations can be made about your business future. A simple business plan should be developed to establish a road map of where you want to go with your new venture. You should establish how much time you're willing to devote to the everyday operation of the business. You must consider how much money you must generate per month to consider your venture, a viable and successful venture.

If you're going to pursue an online business, then you must acquire a domain name for your website. Domains can be purchased for anywhere from $5.00 per year on up. Choose wisely here, because an expensive domain doesn't necessarily mean the domain is better in any way. Choose a domain that portrays a good description of your business if at all possible. A relevant keyword title is better, if you want to get noticed by the search engines. If your first domain choice is not available, then look for other keyword rich titles that are associated with your business theme. Good domain names are becoming harder to get, so just hang in there and you will find a good name after a few attempts.

You're going to have to acquire a web hosting service that will provide good support if you have any technical issues. Make sure there's enough bandwidth and disk space to host your website if you start getting a lot of traffic? There are some very affordable hosting services available, so it is best to shop around.

Now comes the interesting part of this process. You need a website that is both user friendly and search engines friendly if you want to promote your business opportunity effectively. This friendly combination is critical if you plan to stay in business online very long.

You must consider what you're going to name your product. Presentation of your product with a good professional image is imperative. This may include logos, advertisements, labels and presentation on your website.

Pricing is important in every situation. You must be competitive or you will price yourself right out of the market. Be very clear on whether taxes are charged on the products or if shipping fees apply. Make if very simple for the customer to find these aspects on the PayPal invoice or what- ever other type of payment schedule you may use. Provide a SKU number if available.

When you've completed your setup, test the entire functionality of the site including the process of checking out. Make certain all the links are live and point to the right information. Don't redirect to non relevant information or sites that have nothing to do with your type of business.

From day one of your new business, you want to be able to track the traffic that visits your website. This will keep you informed of how many visitors visit your site on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. There are numerous sites online that will provide this service for a very nominal monthly charge. Some hosting companies have this feature included in their monthly hosting services.

The next issue we must address is the process of promoting your opportunity. This is an ongoing process if you want to drive traffic to your site. Without traffic coming to your site on a regular basis… will not make any sales. No Sales…..and you're out of business.

There are numerous methods of promoting your site which we will discuss briefly below.

• Add quality keyword rich content to your website on a regular basis.
• In the beginning, Hand index, your URLs to Google, Yahoo and Bing. Then put it on an automated submission service.
• Use search engine optimization tactics on your site for maximum effectiveness.
• Use Article Marketing as one of your primary promotional tools. Article Marketing is fast becoming the next big dot com boom according to many marketing professionals.
• Try some Pay per Click advertising, and see if it works for you.
• Submit website URL and information to online link directories.
• Become familiar with Video marketing and use it to your advantage.
• Use Social Media Marketing, only if you understand the concept.
• Write a Press Release to introduce you opportunity to the internet masses.
• Consistently use Blogging in your marketing efforts. Try to Blog everyday to one or more blogs. Google offers an excellent blogging system called Blogger.
• Write Newsletters and keep your client base informed about new and exciting aspects of your business and current events regarding your business opportunity.

These are just some of the ways you can promote your business opportunity online. As you progress in your online venture, you will be adding other promotional ideas to your daily promoting activities. Keep an open mind, and as you learn about new promotional ideas on ways to promote more efficiently, incorporate that new found knowledge into your marketing regiment. Using established marketing concepts and combining some new ideas into your regiment, can make the difference between success and failure in your business.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your online marketing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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