Sunday, February 28, 2010

RSS Feed Tips for the Beginner!

RSS Feed Tips for the Beginner!

A logical question I'm often ask is....."what are RSS feeds anyway"? We see this term on many web sites; "subscribe to this RSS feed". RSS is the three letter acronym for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. An RSS feed allow you to get real time information every time new content is posted to a particular web site that you have an interest in....and you receive the latest updates on that particular subject, product or service directly from the web site source to your desktop. What a convenient way to stay informed about your favorite online authors, writings, weather, news, products or services and other areas of interest you may have.

You will save an incredible amount of time by using an RSS feed. You won't have to surf the web for updated information, it will be automatically forwarded to you until you decided you no longer want such a service. You can cancel at any time. This will save a lot of junk from hitting your e-mail in box and wasting time going through a ton of worthless e-mails. You choose which feeds you want to review on a regular basis and turn it on and off at will. Your e-mail address will be required, however, the RSS aggregators does not use your e-mail address to send any updates. One great feature you will is spam free. Your e-mail address is kept private and safe from e-mail brokers and spammers.

If and when you want to unsubscribe from the RSS feed you merely delete the RSS feed information from your aggregator. If you are enjoying the latest news on a given subject and your interest changes, just unsubscribe. There is a definite advantage here for you the subscriber and/or the site owner where the feed is coming from. You are in control and when your interest changes you have helped the site owner because they will now only be providing information to those individuals who are truly interested in their product or services, giving the web owner more time to laser focus on people who have a true interest in their business opportunity.

If you are a writer with interest in the same information category as the RSS feed, you can republish the article from another web site or information source. When using other peoples articles please give that author credit for their work. By putting the authors entire article as written in quotes and giving that author credit for the informative article, you can republish that article in your own blog, forum, e-mail etc. You get the point content and information on your web site complimenting your products or services. Use this feature wisely and you will find that RSS feeds are a great way to promote your business as well.

Some advantages and disadvantages must be considered when using feeds like this. Normally, the feeds will be text only without a bunch of photos or graphics. This will save you a lot of time in your reviews of the feed and if you want pictures and graphics you can always visit the business web site for that information. Some web based aggregators may provide other than just text. Choose wisely.

If you haven't used RSS feeds in your business before, it's well worth a try. Do your research regarding RSS feeds and see if feeds will works for you. You need to make sure your web site supports RSS feeds. Most aggregators are very user friendly, so it should be rather simple to set up this process even though you may be a bit computer challenged. Check it out and see if you are comfortable with this type of system working for you.

When reviewing a web site and you like what you see....and you decide to keep up to date on the sites new products, continued articles and so forth, you can look for the RSS or XML button somewhere on the site. Normally it will provide you with a simple code with subscription instruction that follow. This code will contain the URL address of the web site of interest. When you get it all set up the information you receive from the site will be in real time.

There are some distinct advantage for the web owner. This provides the web owners time to laser focus targeted leads for follow up. This will provide more time for the follow up simply because you are now focusing on only the individuals who are interested in a specific product or service, thus eliminating the normal hit and miss operation your may be accustom to. The focus here can develop into a very powerful marketing strategy. By contacting networking organizations, sporting stores or club, this process could develop into a lucrative business venture.

By using your imagination here, you will probably come up with a dozen or more different ways you may want to consider. The sky is the limit here and may be an avenue you've never considered before, but well worth pursuing now. Good Luck!

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