Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Generate Traffic with Twitter!

Generate Traffic with Twitter!

Some marketers are reporting fantastic results by using Twitter as part of their marketing strategies. There have been reports that some are even going so far as saying: "They are getting more hits, than they get from Google". I can't verify this trend for myself, however, if you haven't tried it...then don't knock it.

The process of marketing online requires you to be flexible in your various methods of marketing. Twitter just happens to be one of the latest trends that people from all walks of life are using to promote themselves, their businesses, and in the process, meet some interesting individuals that have become friends, and some have become good clients.

One interest thing that draws people to this type of social networking is that Twitter is simple to use. Some individuals even believe it's fashionable. This type of media is often a flash in the pan, and will one day be obsolete, as many other types of programs have been in the past. The point here is to take advantage of this micro blogging phenomenon as long as you can. The old saying: "Ride the horse till it dies" certainly applies here.

Learning how to use Twitter can be accomplished in a couple of hours. Depending on your interest, the basic functions of this media is all one needs to use Twitter effectively. By micro blogging (which means you are limited on the number of characters in your message) you can take just a few seconds and write a brief message of what you do online. Maybe it's just for meeting new people, or maybe to introduce a new product, or promote a new URL of your new web site. Whatever your use of Twitter may be, it can be effective for the most part. You must keep your "tweet" under 140 characters.

When putting together your Twitter profile, make it as interesting to potential followers as possible. You can NOT write a long profile, so use your space wisely. Maybe a bit about your occupation, your other interest in life (Ex: Playing a guitar) or include a couple of keywords about your business with a link pointing to your site. In this competitive market, any thing you can do to promote your business opportunity is worth the efforts.

Picking an interesting username may help you get exposure. This is particularly important if you want to target a niche market. Your username will show up in searches other users having an interesting name, including your niche keywords, may get you some additional traffic to your web site. It's worth considering.

I suggest putting your web site blog URL in your bio information. Statistics show, that over 80% of all Twitter users, don't provide this information. What a wasted opportunity. Little issues like this can make a tremendous difference in your marketing efforts that you're already doing anyway. This is just one more tool you can use from your arsenal of marketing tools to promote your opportunity. Each tool has it's own importance to your online success, so use your marketing tools effectively.

Use the search function offered on Twitter, and find people with similar interests. You may find hundreds or even thousands with like interest. Invite them all to be your followers. This is just one more way you can make a simple, yet effective, system work to your advantage. You may get 20-25 or more, new followers every's worth a try.

If you are into the social networking scene, then use this system wisely, and to your advantage. Whether you consider your contacts as friend, followers, a lead or a potential client, you must approach this type of marketing with an open mind. If you haven't tried this type of marketing before, you might consider spending a little bit of time, and experimenting to see if this type of media works for you. Track your results and then make that all important decision, whether it's for you.....or not. You have everything to gain, and nothing to loose.

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