Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Web Site Development Ideas!

When developing a website to make it user friendly as well as search engine acceptable, there are certain things one must know and understand to make it all work together like a well oiled money machine. Most individuals struggle trying to develop their site to meet the user needs as well as meet all the algorithms of the search engines.

There are certain guidelines that have been tested and retested and must be followed to make this whole thing happen. No two businesses are the same and the process is somewhat different, however, the basics will always be the same regardless of the size of your business.

Advertising and promotional budgets vary from small businesses to the larger corporate giants and dictate how aggressive a promotion campaign can be designed. Many factors are considered when putting the best campaign available for the budget allocated to the current marketing campaign.

Since each budget and each campaign is uniquely different it is important to keep in mind those basic steps we discussed earlier. We will attempt to provide some helpful insight that should make this process better understood.

Your website must be built with the consumer in mind. Many times in this business the consumer is also referred to as the user. The users will become potential clients if your information is well written with quality information about your product or service. The internet is all about information and the more accurately your information is written the more chance of closing the sale when a user has finally decided that they want to participate in your business opportunity.

Following the guideline of the search engine algorithms are critical as well. Your keywords and keyword phrases are important to the user but even more important to the search engines. When the user types their query in the search bar of their favorite search engine, the search engines will match that query with keywords in the database which has been compiled from the robot spider's data that has been done when the robots last visited your website. The company with the best keywords and properly placed relevant keywords in the content of the website will appear at or near the top of the search results. Naturally you want your site to appear on page one of these search engine results.

Your content must be relevant, specific and simple enough for a fifth grader to understand what your site is all about. Your site must be easy to navigate even for those who may be somewhat computer challenged. If you have technical information available, then you might want to consider making that information open on another page. This way you will meet the average user's abilities to navigate the site as well as provide the techie with the information necessary for them to purchase your products or services.

It's a natural process for people to scan read, and jump from one feature to another in an attempt to see if they are interested in the information on your site. Keeping it simple and easy to follow will get the potential client to a point of enhanced interest. With good information in your content and the natural progression of leading the user to a closing statement inviting your user to make the purchase is important. If you don't under what I'm talking about here, you might want to seek the services of a professional optimization specialist.

Making this whole process not only easy for the consumer but enticing to the reader can be accomplished by guiding your potential client from page to page through your website with the precision of a laser to the ultimate closing situation.

Your website should look very professional yet simple to follow. Since the search engines don't recognize flash, images, scrolling text it's imperative to have someone who is familiar with what the search engines are looking for and let the professionals verify that your site is maximized to the fullest extent of optimization possible. They can find broken links, outdated content and keywords that are not relevant to you business opportunity. Avoid any links that is not relevant to what you're attempting to promote is vitally important. Avoid clutter, excessive links within the content and strategically position you keywords to meet the keyword stuffing guidelines of the search engines.

Motivating someone to the ultimate end result which is the sale, you must satisfy three things in the new clients mind. Do they need it, do they like it and can the person afford it. Once you fill these three voids in a person's mind the sale is made. Follow up is critical after the sale is made you must make sure the customer is content with their decision. Sometimes maintaining your client base is harder than getting new customers. Keep striving until you reach that happy medium and you will begin to see some exciting results develop.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your web development challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Free 10 Day Marketing Course!

Teaching marketing on the internet has become a passion in my life helping people understand the process of how to market their business opportunity effectively. Promoting your product or service correctly online is important if you expect to make any money for your efforts. Building a nice looking website and putting it online is only one part of this giant puzzle called internet marketing. Optimizing your site is an important issue that must be addressed even before you promote your website. It's been said that optimization of your website probably is the most important aspect of the whole process of learning to marketing effectively.

There are countless numbers of those who call themselves "professionals" as it refers to marketing. Their idea is to promote as many people as possible so they will promote a program that pays them a high commission and positions them in the down line of some fast talking sales program. Many of these charlatans provide no contact information except for a post office mailbox in some little Podunk town somewhere other than where they live. Any marketing specialist worth their salt will provide contact information for his or her clients to get in touch if there is a question or problem.

Working online is a rewarding venture that can and will make you an honest living if you're sincere, persistent and truthful with those you deal with. Not everyone is cut out for this type of business. Some don't have the ability to do anything more than play games and email their friends online. Others have worked with computers in their workplace and have developed the ability to navigate the computer and understand the basics of what a computer can do and many even know what makes the computer work. Then there are those of us who don't really care what makes a computer tick, but have experienced the benefits of using this modern day marvel for promoting our business opportunity.

A beautiful thing about learning how to market on line is that once you learn the process you have acquired that valuable knowledge and you will be able to use that knowledge to market any product or service you may be involved with in the future. Sure there will be some things that will change just like any other business and you will have to spend some time on learning new methods of use on some products but that is the normal learning process on anything you will ever do. There are basically three types of individuals that contact me and I am privileged to work with them in promoting their business opportunities.

• There's the individual that knows absolutely nothing about the computer and the strategies and programs they need to be a successful online marketer. Sometimes it difficult to teach these people how to simplify the process and learn how to apply the programs necessary to do the job they want to do. I must inform them that I do not teach you how to turn the computer on and off nor the basics of the computers intended uses. These folks must take the time to learn how to use the computer and then get back with me and take it to the next level.

• Then there are those who know the basics of how to use the computer and are contacting me to get as much free information from me as they can and then I never hear from them again. That's OK, that's just part of the business and it's their loss and not mine. I learned a long time ago that I can't help everyone so I don't force my marketing knowledge on anyone. If they don't want to learn I respect their choice and wish them well.

• The third group is comprised of a broad base of confused, uninformed but willing to apply themselves individuals that have a desire to learn and apply the whole process of marketing. They are eager to understand the directions we suggest and they're willing to follow proven strategies that make this whole marketing process a reality in their individual lives and businesses. This is the type of individuals we like to work with and will devote whatever time necessary to help them succeed in their "quest for success" online.

My staff and I have developed a FREE 10 day learning program that will help you get started on the right track to learning the process of online marketing. This is a roadmap you can follow and must do to effectively market your business opportunity online. There's "no obligation" to get this free 10 day course delivered in your email box. Just click on the "support" email listed below and we will start your information emails coming immediately. Thank you in advance for your interest in this offer.

Each day for the next 10 days you will receive an email outlining the steps of some important issues you should review and implement into your marketing strategies. We will point you in the right direction for your personal online success. If you like what you review in these informative emails, then you can call us and we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. If you like our approach to marketing you can call us for additional help on our private line. We always respect your privacy and won't call you unless you request us to. This is your future we're talking about here folks, so do what you feel best for your immediate needs and future online success.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. If you have questions you can call us today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

Get your free course today… In the subject area ….. Re: 10 Day Marketing Course

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Home Based Business vs. Nine to Five!

In this ever changing world of business we are all faced with the uncertainties of job security. Every day we hear of someone who has been on the same job for 15 to 20 years and all of a sudden they are faced with the possibilities of being laid off. They've work hard and haven't missed a day of work in the last 12 years. Then in their next pay envelope there is the dreaded pink slip that the company they've devoted the best part of their adult life to has decided to let them go. Sometimes if you're lucky you get some severance pay, however, it's a mere penance for the blood sweat and tears that we've given to see your company grow.

More and more people in today's uncertain job market are attending job fairs, checking out some of the competition before they are notified of the downsizing of their current employer. Many of these individuals are opting to work at home utilizing today's modern virtual office technology as a help for the income that has been taken away. Many have opted to start a home based business marketing their favorite product and some of these individuals are making some serious income. This gig is not for everyone and there will be many who end up failing even though their intentions are noble and their work ethics are strong. Their shortcoming was nothing more than lack of how to market on line. There's hope for these individuals from companies who specialize in helping new people coming to the internet scene learn the process of marketing.

Many of these unfortunate hardworking people who've lost their jobs, are finding their niche by working freelance as ghost writers, data processors, and working in the service sector in many other areas of online business opportunities. Some will even secure work from their former employers as independent consultants when their ex employers outsources some of their specialty work. By hiring ex employees, the company will save an incredible amount of time and money on hiring someone who is totally unfamiliar with their operation.

Some companies are even encouraging their employees to work from home. This concept help the company save money on office space, taxes, overtime and other countless benefits to numerous to mention in this article.

Surveys show that one of the major benefits of working at home is health related. Working in the office atmosphere an employee is subjected to all kinds of foreign germs from colds, flu, bacteria's and the list can go on and on.

Eating junk food, fast food (which may be the same thing) grabbing a candy bar and some days going without eating altogether can affect your health in numerous ways. By working at home you can take a break anytime you want, make a healthy lunch and just think of the money you'll save to say nothing of how tasty differences of good fresh meals compared to fast foods from a snack machine.

Stress in the workplace has become an epidemic in the workplace. Stress has been linked to cause physical as well as psychology issues. With the pressures of the everyday work place with deadlines to meet with every project can also take its toll rather quickly. Not being able to get along with some of your arrogant co-worker and bosses can generate stress that most of us don't even realize.

The commute back and forth to work can be a nightmare sometimes, especially when you are stuck in traffic for hours going to and from the workplace. I've talked to people who spend 2-3 hours each way in their commute to and from work every single day. With all the road rage in today's society, pressures can really build in your life quickly. Talk about an impact on one's health. This can lead to high blood pressure, irritability, anger, depression and difficulty sleeping plus make the natural aging process accelerate uncontrollably.

Just think of the pressures that working at home could alleviate! You will have more time to spend with your loved one, play more golf, go fishing and enjoy the things you truly enjoy in life.

If you decide to make this transition from the normal 9-5 to the home based business scene you must be regimented in your work ethics. It is so easy to get distracted when working from home. You will always have those honey-dos that never end. If you try keeping up with all the things that need done around the house, all your time will be consume and making money in your new business will be nonexistent. Just because you no longer have to punch a clock doesn't mean you never have to work again. Working from home can provide more job security than your regular job ever did. You'll never hear the words you're fired except on the TV show "The Apprentice."

As a home based business owner you can work for more than one business at a time. Multiple sources of income has been the difference between success and failure with many online businesses.

In conclusion: You can be your own boss, working the hours you want and make as much money as you need without all the hassles that the regular job requires. You will be more relaxed, be able to eat right, exercise on a regular basis, avoid traffic jams, spend more time with your family and make more money than you thought possible. The secret is to let the professional help you in your new home based business "quest for success". You're will always be in control of your destiny.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your efforts of starting your own business. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Marketing Concepts to Promote Your Business!

Niche Marketing has gained lots of popularity for people who are just starting their online marketing career. Finding the right niche product can become a difficult process without having a broad based knowledge of what's hot and what's not in the business world today. Everyday someone finds that needle in the haystack product or services that literally explodes with popularity among a certain generation of our society. A good example is the cell phone with the ability to text message and all the other good things it does. This is a prime example of a product that is in high demand with a substantial profit mark up which would generate some high profits.

One problem here is cell phones are changing almost daily to include other new features that appeal to the multi tasking individual and immediately the customers want to upgrade. You could get stuck with a ton of inventory because a new style of phone is introduced today and overnight your inventory has become obsolete. This is when you become the great giver at Christmas time by giving all your family, friends and their friends a cell phone for Christmas just to get rid of an outdated, no demand product.

Another type of marketing is called Network Marketing or multilevel marketing where you try to sign up all your friends, relatives and anyone else who will listen to your pitch on how great your new marketing program is supposed to be. This is an excellent way to lose friends and relative because of the hype most of these programs promote. Don't get me wrong here, not all network marketing programs are bad. When you're looking at any program that you have to build 20 levels deep and you've been promised that you're going to make a lot of money….you might want to take a second look before you make the big plunge.

Informed online marketers try to generate multiple streams of income which is always a sure bet. It wouldn't be fair for me to tell you that anyone of these marketing venues will make you rich. However, having a good working arsenal of marketing tools you can generate multiple streams of income so if one segment of our economy is weak and falling the other aspects of your marketing efforts will carry you through these difficult economic times.

Affiliate marketing is often misunderstood and if you're in an affiliate program already you need to do some research and see exactly what your promoting, who your promoting it for an whether the search engines are even looking at or seeing your site when the search engine robots are crawling the web and "spidering" websites gathering information to place your website opportunity with some type of page ranking.

We've talked about in some of our marketing information articles about the shortcomings of affiliate marketing as most people understand the term. However, most people still feels that an affiliate program is the only way to go. The search engines can and will find the main site on a popular online offering and will index that site with a reasonably good page rank. By adding your affiliate number to the site doesn't trigger anything with the spiders so the product site gets the good results and you get nothing because the spiders didn't understand what a series of numbers meant. There are ways around this problem but no one ever tells you how to make an affiliate site you're involved with can become popular online.

Contact your marketing consultant and question the shortcomings of most affiliate programs. If he or she doesn't understand what you're talking about, then you might want to consider a different professional who can share with you why most affiliate programs don't make you and your down line the commissions you were told you should expect when you enrolled.

Many of the MLM and affiliate programs will require that you invest in some product for your inventory and you'll make a small percentage of profit on the each sale. The more you sell the higher your commission schedule will increase. If you don't sell your inventory and you want to bail out of their system most of the time your up line sponsor will purchase the product back from you at a substantial loss of your original investment.

Each of the marketing venues we discussed earlier must be totally understood and must be pursued with vigor for anyone who chooses this method for promoting their product or services. Don't get caught in the trap that most new people who are entering an online business get caught up in. Seek the advice of a marketing consultant that can help point you in the right direction from the very start of your marketing journey. It has been said that "Hiring the services of an Optimization Specialist could well be the best money you will ever spend in your internet experience."

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Make a Virtual Office Work for You!

In history we read about the various names that have evolved with the progression of mankind over the centuries which often are referred to for a particular era of past cultures. From the cave man to the dark ages thru the cold war era, things have changed dramatically in our society and the business world.

With the advent of the internet, we now live in the information age and business is conducted in a totally different environment than even a decade ago. The traditional business in my lifetime has changed from a regular 9-5 job. Right out of high school you would look for a job in or close to the town you lived in. Work at the same job for 30-35 years and then retire like the rest of the old folks. Things sure changes from one generation to the next don't they?

In business the normal high rise office building with your own office, a secretary and salary has changed to more and more companies outsourcing to various parts of the world in an effort to cut the overhead and try to generate higher profits for their investors. Many people haven't accepted this change with open arms. Change is extremely hard for most people to accept.

With the rapid changes in the work force and business in general it was imperative that some companies offer the opportunity for some of their employees to work from home in a virtual office setting. This was a way for the companies to continue their growth cycle without huge cash outlays for new, bigger and better facilities. Thus the idea of the virtual office was born. Combining the innovations of technology plus the information on the internet today has made the growth of business what it is today.

With the viral office concept, anyone can now operate a successful business from anywhere in the world. I visited with 2 young men yesterday that were taking full advantage of the viral office concept. They had an 800# which was answered very professionally, a voice mail with forwarding services, good looking business cards, however, there preference of a meeting place was in the back booth of the local Denny's restaurant. They had a wi-fi for their computer the waitress was very cordial and kept the iced tea glass full at all times. Our meeting lasted about 2 hours and was very profitable for everyone concerned.

There are many different features one can get involved with to enhance a virtual office operation. The first would be the remote receptionist which is rather easy to implement. This is a group of workers who normally work at a given location, using the latest in high tech Integration software. In many cases it's difficult to tell the difference between this remote computer telephone and a regular person transferring your call to the proper extension. This has replaced the traditional receptionist for many companies.

Then you can expand your virtual office a little bit and have what is known in the business as a virtual assistant. These are hard working people who work from home and never actually meet clients for a face to face visit. They don't have access to the Computer Telephone software and charge a small hourly fee for their service. Fees start at around $15.00 per hour and rate can go up from there depending on the level of service you require.

Answering services have been around for awhile and have become very sophisticated regarding the services they can provide. Basic services can be very affordable, however, depending on the level of service the rates will increase. The purpose of the answering services is to handle a large volume of incoming and outgoing request via the telephone. Security issues are prevalent and your service will be totally impersonal.

Most people now days carry a cell phone and can be reached virtually anywhere they go. Thank you in advance for putting your cell phone on vibrate mode while you're in church. Most cell phone service has voicemail in their calling plans.

It's a good idea to secure the services of a reputable mail box service that can provide a prestigious business location address. This will also solve your personal privacy issues that are inherent to running a home based business. Avoid using a Post Office Box at all cost. There is nothing that turns me off quicker than a PO Box especially if there's money or important documents involved.

A virtual office can be extremely efficient for a home based business or with the virtual concept. Your overhead is low while still maintaining a professional image. The savings every month can be calculated rather quickly when you consider the factor of no rent, no secretary expenses, payroll, insurance premiums and the list is endless.

Almost any segment of the workforce can take advantage to some degree the virtual office concept. Just to name a few: The Home Based Entrepreneur, Accounts, Lawyers, Salesmen, Consultants, Real Estate Sales People, Collection Agencies and you can probably add many other vocations that this method of doing business would appeal to and would accommodate.

Virtual offices are becoming more popular as our economy continues its downward spiral around the world. Any business who is looking to cut expenses yet maintain an appearance of being a successful business entity should consider the values of the virtual office idea. This concept is being utilized and enjoyed by businesses of all sizes around the globe.

As the virtual office concept becomes more and more acceptable to the general public, you will witness an exodus of workers from the big cities into nearby rural communities. If your business can be conducted from virtually anywhere, the masses will soon force this concept on the business world in general. The impact this transition would make on the pollution problems that are getting worse by the minute would be worth any sacrifice you and I would have to make in our lifestyle.

In Conclusion: The values of the virtual office are unfathomable to our economy both domestically and internationally and should be consider by home based businesses, small business and major corporations alike. Knowing how to set up a virtual office can be intimidating if the concept is new to you and your surroundings. Let the professionals help you in your "quest for a better tomorrow."

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your virtual office transition. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Important Link on the Internet!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Home Based Business and You!

Every day we hear of someone starting their own business and becoming millionaires within a matter of weeks. Sure there are cases where someone just fell into a bucket of sour milk and come out smelling like a rose, but what was the events leading up to this Cinderella story? You can rest assured that there was many factors that lead up to this event and the individual who this happened to wasn't sitting in a rocking chair twiddling their thumbs.

Our country was founded on innovative hard working people who had a vision of a better society for them and their families. They were willing to spend the time, the efforts and the last cent they had to see their dreams come true. Many times those individuals would end up fighting for their health, their good name and their independence to fulfill their dreams.

Not everyone fell into the category of being an entrepreneur as we use the term today; however, there were enough good people who were hard working, honest and self starters who laid the ground work for a society that has become the Independent Business World model for the world to follow. God Bless the Small Independent men and women who own their own business and provide the necessary services for our country in order to survive these difficult economic times.

Home based businesses have grown in popularity recently due to major corporate downsizing, and many companies are laying off workers, some of these workers have been loyal their whole lifetime to help build a company they are no longer a part of. Some of these individuals are third and fourth generations who have worked for the same company for decades. Why is this all happening? It's really quite a simple answer …. Company Profits! With pressure from major stockholders who own substantial holdings in these big companies many of these businesses have succumbed to unethical tactics in order to succeed in the world of big business without consideration to those who have given blood, sweat and tears to build the business.

What's the answer to this dilemma which has been forced on these good people who are smart, well educated and knowledgeable of how the business works and made some of the major decisions in these major corporations to provide solutions to company challenges to make a record profits for these major companies, just so the worker can generate an income so they can enjoy the coveted good life of America for themselves and their families?

Too often this scenario is happening in this great country of ours. The sad thing is that most of these people who are caught in the middle of this situation, know nothing else in life that they can do. This situation poses a huge problem for these workers especially if these unfortunate individuals are nearing retirement age and have not quite achieved their retirement goals. Some of these people are too old to go out and find another job in their field of expertise. They end up working at minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet. What a travesty!

Some are fortunate to have time on their side and not that close to their retirement years and are able to regroup and find other work. Some lose hope and end up losing their homes, their cars, their retirement funds and the list goes on and on.

Others are forced to start their own Home Based Business and struggle because they have no one to guide them. They don't know what to do or how to do it. It's like trying to find your way in unfamiliar surroundings with no one to help and no light at the end of the tunnel.

Home Based Business is fast becoming popular for many individuals who are willing to put it all on the line. These folks are willing to spend their savings on a dream that has only been a figment of their imagination up till now. Here again, most don't have a clue on what to do. This is where some of us who have been forced into like situations may be able to help.

Fortunately there are some online companies who specialize in helping the little guy or gal learn the process of online marketing and will work with you within your limited budget and point you in the right direction and help you get started on a new and exciting career. It's not going to be easy and many will fail, however, if you're willing you can become a successful online business owner and fulfill the deficiencies you've been forced to face, success can become a reality.

It's totally possible that your income will soon become equal to or possibly higher than you're accustomed to with your present job. Wouldn't that be a good problem? There are a couple of possibilities we should discuss before you make any changes to your lifestyle.

You can start by building a business on a part-time basis if you choose. This may help keep the creditors from overwhelming you with their intimidating tactics. You may have to work part-time just to pay for higher medical insurance because you lost your group health coverage and medical bills are piling up, or possibly just take care of some other special needs and emergencies. It seems there is never enough money to go around and do all the things we want to do.

Your online business may end up replacing your regular 9-5 job. This will open up an incredible amount of time so you can pursue some of the things you've always wanted to do and didn't have the time or money. You will be able to regulate your income by the amount of time you devote to your business. You have acquired a whole new world of opportunities that may change your life forever. What a welcome change from the rat race of the corporate world.

Our contribution to society is a duty we've all been taught from our youth. Owning your own home based business provides you freedom that you may have never experienced before. The quicker you learn the process of marketing the quicker you will become independent from the uncertainties of working for someone else. This will give you the joy of financial, personal and social fulfillment you've never been able to experience before.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your home based business challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Keyword Strategies in your Website!

Most individuals don't know where to begin when it come to Keyword Optimization in a website. They flounder around for days, weeks and months and still can't find their site listed on any search engine. Why?? There are several reasons this may occur.

Google and other search engines prefer aged domain rather than new domains. Try to use domains that have been around for awhile. If you have a new domain you may not get recognized by the search engines for 10-12 months if you're lucky. This is often referred to as the "Google Sand Box." There is nothing you can do to change this process, just keep promoting your site and one day your site will appear out of nowhere in a query result.

Another reason could be that your site is not optimized correctly. This could include issues such as your content in your site not being relevant to your promoting. Maybe the keywords are too few or even too many keywords can be a problem. Without adequate numbers of keywords distributed throughout your site the search engine robots won't know where to place your site in their algorithm structure. Having too many keywords in your site may even be worse. The search engines frown on keyword stuffing and will penalize you substantially for trying to get their attention by putting the same keyword multiple times in your website. A ratio of 5-7% is a good ration of keywords to word content. This should keep you out of trouble.

Having keywords distributed throughout your website is imperative. Keyword proximity will also contribute to deductions by the search engines. To simplify this part of the process a bit…if you were using the keyword "leads" you may want to keep the term "leads" to 2-3 times in any paragraph. Don't try to get away with keyword stuffing.

You must optimize your site for the benefit of the internet users as well as the search engines. Pictures, moving text, and flash are all for the benefit of the user. Good relevant content explaining your business opportunity is what the search engines are looking for. The source code of your site is where the engines will pick up a lot of information about your site and will use this information in their indexing process.

Before you ever start promoting your site, make sure you have done your in depth keyword research so you can utilize the relevant keywords in your site design for maximum effectiveness. Design your site with eye appeal for the users; however, keep in mind what the search engines are looking for to.

To help you narrow down the right keywords for you opportunity you might want to take a look at the "Google Keyword Tools" which are free to use at any time. Some other sources, such as WordTracker and Good KeyWords are paid services which are great if you don't mind spending some money. You may want to start with maybe a hundred keywords or phrases that you feel best describes product or service, then start narrowing your list down little by little until you end up with about 20-25 powerful keywords and keyword phrases that you feel people will be searching for if they're searching for your product or service.

Some website builder will start with a good title and will then build the site around the title and keywords. Others will build the site first with general information and keywords, and then come up with a descriptive title that fits the final draft. Whatever way works for you is fine. If you don't like the results once you get the site online, then you can refer back to your original keyword list and add some additional descriptive keywords later on. This is an ongoing process, so just take the changes as they come and you will soon find what works and what doesn't for you and your business website.

A well thought out site with keywords and phrases strategically placed throughout the site, will give a broad spectrum of results when a query is made regarding your keywords. It's imperative to build your website to be "robot" spider friendly. When you build your site you should make it a point on every page to have a link to the main page of your site. The visitors who visit your site as well as the search engines look at the anchor text links to help them understand what will be found when they click on a particular link.

The search engines love relevant keyword rich content on every page of your website because this is how the engines classify your website and indexes your site accordingly. Incorporating those keywords in the content of your site will help create an understanding with the users of what you're trying to convey in a clear, concise non-threatening way. The amount of characters your writing contains does not play a factor in whether your writing is acceptable with the search engines or not.

The search engines place a lot of weight on the Title, Meta Description and Keywords that are listed in the source code of you website. The Title should contain a couple of relevant keywords if possible. The Title and the Meta Tag Description is what will show up on the results page of the search engine when a user does a "Google Search". The keywords and keyword phrases are for the search engines only as they appear in the source code description.

Never underestimate the power of links in your web site. The search engines place a lot of weight on the use of links, back links, cross linking and reciprocal links on every website. If you're unaware of the power of linking you can read some of our other articles covering linking in greater detail. If you link correctly and effectively many sites will link to your site without even asking. That's a good problem. The search engines like to see other sites linking to a successful popular website especially if that site is adding new content on a regular basis.

Always remember, ranking high in any specific keyword or keyword phrase is good, however, it's more important to measure your success by the amount of increased traffic to your site, the conversions and the sales you generate for the additional traffic.

In conclusion, study and understand your potential client likes, wants and needs and work to provide solution to their desires. Research exactly what the search engine require to make your website user friendly as well as search engine friendly. Consistently market you opportunity by writing blogs, forums, newsletters and articles sharing information about your product or service and seek the help of your professional if you have problems understanding the whole process.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minutes "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Optimize Your Site for Max Exposure!

Anyone who's truly serious about online marketing has a website of some kind or another. Most of these web sites will never get indexed by the search engines because the site is not optimized to meet the search engine algorithms. Algorithms are the guidelines the search engines use to establish a page rank for websites so when a user makes a query on a given keyword the search engines will match your site keywords to the queried keywords of the user and if the keywords are a match the search engines will display your site high in the query results.

Just having a website doesn't mean that you're going to sell your products or services and make money on line, however, the existence of a website is the first step of getting recognized online by users and search engines. If your business is dependent upon your web site, then it becomes even more important to have your web site tweaked by an optimization specialist to the maximum for the best search engine exposure possible.

Different marketing specialist you talk to will have a little different twist on what makes a web site popular online and what makes that site work for its owner. As the old saying goes "the proof is in the pudding". Many individuals who call themselves Search Engine Marketers, Optimization Specialization and Marketing Professionals don't have a clue what the search engines are looking for. Optimization is a process that is ever changing and unless your specialist keeps abreast of all the new changes on a daily basis, your chances of success on line are little to none.

If your marketing experiences to date have been less than satisfactory, this tells me you need some professional help. You need someone who understands what marketing online is all about, what the search engines are looking for and a person who has a track record which can be substantiated that their knowledge and actions are working effective. If your professional can't show you dozens of web sites that hold a page one ranking with Google and some of the other fine search engines because of their efforts, then you can probably conclude that individual doesn't know what he or she is talking about. In this business the bottom line results are the only thing that counts. There's more to this gig than just talking the talk, you must have the knowledge and the ability to walk the walk.

All the book learning in the world is of no value unless you know how to apply your knowledge in a correct way. This is especially true when marketing online. What's worse is having the knowledge to do a specific task and trying to take shortcuts, trying to impress someone with your learning and not applying your abilities to fulfill your untapped potential.

There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself at this point in your career. "Do I have the technical expertise and other capabilities necessary to meet this challenge head on and promote my opportunity by myself?" If your answer is NO...."then we need to talk!" Another question you need to ask: "Would it be faster, more effective and less expensive to bring in the help of an expert for assistance?" If your answer is YES...."then we need to talk!" The answers to these questions are extremely important to your future and your online success. In this fast paced business world, time is money and the time it takes to learn this process may end up costing you more than if you acquire the services of a professional now, and get your marketing campaign going quickly.

Based on the feedback of many online entrepreneurs, every marketer needs some direction and guidance when setting up any marketing campaign. This is where your search engine optimization specialist experience becomes vitally important to your future. There are so many over hyped scams and schemes out there on the internet trying to sell you their latest and greatest programs just to make a quick buck commission and have no interest in your online future. However, there are those of us who are truly sincere and committed to help you succeed in your online endeavors with specific instructions of how to do it, and show results of some well designed marketing campaigns that is getting results.

If you're operating an offline business in a traditional store front, have an online business or setting up a home based business, the need for direction and guidance is critical to your success. The whole purpose of being in business is to make money, so knowing how to successfully market your business opportunity is possibly the most important thing you will learn in your lifetime. By learning the process of how to market now, is valuable information you can use for any promotion you are doing now or you may be involved with in the future. Having someone who can currently help you in your marketing needs and offers support when you need it in the future, is an all important issue to consider at this point in your career.

Look around and find a specialist who you can talk to, share your goals with and get the direction you need before jumping into something questionable. You must be totally comfortable with your specialist just as you must be comfortable with the advice you get from your Medical Doctor. You're going to have to utilize every advantage you can muster to make this online journey a successful and profitable venture. Making this experience as pleasant as possible is vitally important to your future, as well as your physical and mental health.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in this every changing learning process. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tips for Building a Strong Online Business!

Whether you're new to online marketing or a seasoned professional, most of us have gone through the same thought process of what it takes to become a successful online marketer. We've all thought about all the hard work and time that we must devote to make this whole marketing process become a reality in our lives. This is a process that requires commitment, self motivation and just plain hard work if we want to see a successful future in online marketing.

This process can become as complicated as we permit it to become. There are steps in this process that must be addressed from the first day of exposure to online marketing until the day we die or quit promoting. Some individuals give up to quickly, and had they pursued their dreams for just a while longer they would have been rewarded with a profitable outcome for their efforts.

We all know the drill we have to follow to get online, we have to get a domain, secure a good hosting program and promote our opportunity to be successful online, however, how many of us have really sat down and counted the cost of actually marketing effectively? Statics show that less than 5% of all people who attempt an online career actually make money online. Some experts say that less than 2-3% actually makes it, which is even more astounding.

In some of our recent articles, we've talked about how to obtain a domain, get the hosting account and the step by step process we must all follow to even get started in this business. If you haven't had a chance to review these articles, I think it would be well worth your time to read these writings and follow the process outlined. You can find the full series of over 200 of these articles at

The first steps of learning this process, are obviously the most difficult to make a commitment to; and is substantiated by the 95%+ attrition rate in this business. However, by not learning the fundamentals of marketing you will never fulfill your dreams of success. There is no better time to start you new online journey than right now, so take that first step to this new and exciting online venture called internet marketing.

Once you've put together a website and learned the basics of marketing, your work has just begun. Now you must focus on getting qualified traffic to your site and promoting your business opportunity for the masses on the internet to see. If you're going to try promoting a niche market, this is another learning process you must study, understand and implement into your marketing strategy. You must analyze what people are actually looking for in any niche market and provide a solution for your online audience if you want to be successful.

Keep in mind that in this venture you're not going to be an overnight success as some may falsely promise. Be committed to pursue this dream for as long as it takes. Putting a time frame on your success will quickly kill your future when working online. Success may come for you in a few weeks, months, or even years, so have patience and stay focused and committed.

Many times you will get discouraged, frustrated and impatient with the amount of traffic coming to your site and the visible results may seem nonexistent. Don't give up, keep the faith and pursue your dreams and your dreams will come true in due time.

Our goal here is to face these challenges head on and find solutions to fulfill our online goals. After understanding the problems and finding where to find solutions to these challenges your marketing journey will be so much clearer and accomplishing your goals will become a reality.

First of all, understand the target market you want to receive traffic from. Traffic alone is not the total solution. You must learn, understand and have the ability to convert your new traffic into paying customers. Targeted, qualified traffic is of course the best traffic you can generate, so be sure and understand this part of the process as well.

Always keep the content of your website updated with the most current facts and figures available. This same scenario should apply to any articles, blogs or other information published about your business opportunity. By doing regular studies and research on your niche market will help you to provide some new and exciting information to your reading audience on a regular basis. Information can be submitted in the form of blogs, newsletters or forums.

Make sure your website is optimized for the users as well as the search engines. If you don't know how to do this part of the process, then secure the services of a search engine optimization specialist. By having your site optimized properly by your specialist you will experience more traffic from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and other fine search engines. Users will also respond if your website is optimized correctly.

By having your site optimized you will start generating more quality back links. The search engines places a great deal of emphasis on quality back links. The more quality back links that point to your site the more chance of increased traffic will come to your website from the search engines. This will help you to meet and beat your competition in this every changing competitive business world.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your learning process. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

RSS Feeds - Helpful Tips!

RSS is fast becoming the communication media that many online marketers are switching to. Many experts agree that RSS Feeds will one day replace email marketing and newsletters. Many marketers will be left behind when this switch occurs. If you haven't made the switch your competition will pass you in page rank like a streak of lightning when this whole process has made the switch.

The term RSS is the acronym for Really Simple Syndication. This is a process which can place a feed on your web site that can read an RSS feed from your directory. Information distribution has become a rather simple process with the advent of RSS feeds in today's marketing arena.

An RSS feed can put your headline to other multiple web sites for countless people to see. Statistics show that more potential clients can be reached using RSS feed, and the more people who see your information the better chance you can market something to these individuals.

RSS is an XML based application which is quite similar to HTML which it the most common web site creator application. Every site that I put an RSS feed on has definitely boosted sales on that site.

Google recently purchased the program called Feed Burner. This is a simple format that you can create a feed and place anywhere you want an RSS Feed. You feed will include the title or a headline, a brief description of the content of your site and the link where you can read the post. There are numerous web channel editors that you can utilize for reading an RSS Feed. Some programs just require you to write news and articles down on a notepad and when placed on the editor, it will show up with the necessary formatting ready for upload.

Once you have created your file, save the file as an XML, RSS or an RDF file. Use your favorite FTP client to upload to your web server. I personally like the free FileZilla ftp program. This program is simple to use and once you use the program a few times you will wonder how you ever got along without this remarkable tool. Once you have completed the process above, now the file is readable by most RSS news aggregators.

Now that you've created a file, saved the file and made sure it works, now you're ready to share your feed with the general public. The main function of an RSS feed is to broadcast your feed to all RSS enabled sites. By placing your feed in a directory you will start seeing some tremendous results from your feeds. Some directories require a fee for using their directory. Many are free, so check and see which will work best for you.

Place you RSS feed icon on everything you do online. You objective here of course is to get your information to as many users as possible. Your feed will change and update automatically every time you change the main file.

With RSS, you know that the feed changes automatically every time you change the main file. By adding new articles to your system on a regular basis you will quickly get the attention of your readers and the search engines with new content.

Check out the latest trend of owning your own article directory as part of your regular web site by utilizing the concept of placing your directory as a third level domain. One huge advantage of this concept is that other authors will submit to your directory and you become the publisher. You will quickly generate countless links and back links with this method of linking.

Few individuals can fathom the benefits of this type of feed distribution. If you have questions regarding this concept, seek the services of the professionals.

The eBiz Solutions Team is stand by to assist you in your RSS feed questions. Call today for your free 30 minute "No Obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Build Your Business - One Blog At A Time!

For those of you who follow my articles, you've probably noticed I talk a lot about writing and blogging. Today I want to share with you some rather basic ideas about blogging that will help you understand why I am so passionate about helping those who are really serious about making money online learn how to write and experience the benefits of sharing information with others through blogging.

If you're not currently writing on a regular basis then you need to do some soul searching about how committed you are to making a living on the internet. The internet is all about information and by not sharing your experiences and knowledge you're missing out on a tremendous opportunity to reach a segment of the internet market that otherwise you will never penetrate.

My suggestion for today would be that if you are not currently writing, blogging and posting to forums you need to start today and experience the benefits blogging will provide to you and your business opportunity.

Start out by writing about something you truly love. Maybe your spare time passion is riding dirt bikes out on the back 40 of your property. Write about some of your experiences that you've enjoyed while riding in remote areas. Not everyone is going to be interested in your hobby of riding out in the middle of nowhere, but someone, somewhere will relate to what you enjoy and you can build a relationship with that person or group that could develop into a profitable venture.

Blogging is an affordable way to share your ideas, advertise and make some money during the interim. If you're serious about blogging you may want to purchase your own domain. I personally use the Google Blogger format for my blogging. If you have your own a g-mail account which is free and the Blogger program is free, super simple to use and you are in complete control of what you put into your blog. If you allow other users to post in your blog you can delete information they write if it offends you or is in opposition of your ideas of what your blog is all about.

There are various plug-ins that can enhance the effectiveness of your blog, so be sure to add the plug-ins that applies to your overall goals with your own personal blog.

Set a schedule for writing, posting and maintaining your blog. Write consistently and try to publish on a schedule of weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly. Whatever frequency you choose will be just fine but be consistent so your readers will be looking for your information on a given day of the week. You can even put an RSS feed on your blog so your users will be able to get your updated information with a simple click on the RSS feed icon. You will quickly build a following with your writings of users that will become loyal readers and contributors to your blog on a regular basis.

Once you finish writing your blog or article, then proofread for spelling errors and check the grammar before you post. Having a professional looking writing will build a respect of your users that you know what you're doing. You're going to make some errors that you may overlook in your proofing of your content, that's OK we are all human. If you have someone you can rely on to proofread your writings, many times they will catch an error that you may have overlooked. Spending that little bit of extra time it takes to proof your writing one more time will be time well spent.

Write from your heart. Don't try to put on a front that you're something you're not. People will pick up your insincerity really quickly in your writing. Just be yourself and write like you talk. Of course leave out any profanity and questionable content.

If you can join a bloggers forum you will gain an incredible amount of knowledge about blogging from other people who have a like interest. Don't hesitate to leave a funny, friendly comment to any blog or writing you may become a part of. Feedback will help each of us and will help to make you a better writer.

Try to keep your site clean and uncluttered. One cool plug-in on Blogger is the log of your articles so your readers can easily find your articles. Using a keyword in your blog title will help you and your users to find your writing on a particular subject matter rather quickly.

It is recommended that you put your contact information and any links at the bottom of your writings in the byline area. Try to keep your links to about 2-3 at the most. Too many links can become overwhelming to your reading audience rather quickly.

In your content area, use some good relevant keywords and keyword phrases about your product or services. Distribute your keywords throughout the writing so the search engines will look favorably on your article. Keyword density and keyword proximity are two key elements that the search engines look at carefully when indexing and positioning your site with a good page rank. These issues are discussed in greater details in some of my other articles which you can find at

Keeping your site simple yet informative is crucial for acceptance with users and the search engines. The more you write the better you will become at writing. You may not win a world class award for your writings; however, you will be blessed with a tremendous amount of personal satisfaction and peace of mind that you were able to share an idea, an experience or some basis knowledge that helped someone get through a life changing experience.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your writing challenges. Call today for a free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Build Your Business by Blogging!

Blogging is a powerful way to keep an internet audience informed with new and exciting news that's happening in the world called the internet. Blogging is also an excellent way to build a constant flow of traffic to your website and develop a client base for your business. Blogging is not for everyone, because some people just don't like the idea of having to set down and express themselves in any form of writing.

Blogging is only one of the powerful marketing tools that successful marketer has incorporated to some extent in their overall marketing strategies. Some enjoy the personal satisfaction of writing all of their own material strait from the heart while others choose to use the services of professional writer to write for them. Either way this form of communication with online users can be extremely powerful and productive.

Early on in your blogging experience you should set some realistic goals of where you want your blog to take your business. There are different areas of concern with different situations which we want to discuss in further detail.

Some choose to use blogging for communicating with their existing client base, while others use the medium of blogging to develop new clients. Whatever your reasons, you need to take advantage of the easiest, most effective methods to accomplish your marketing goals.

Some use blogging simply to inform their client base about new and /or updated company news. This is a quick, easy and simple non threatening method of accomplishing that goal.

Others use blogs to answer questions, discuss guides and guidelines for their products, services and almost anything else relevant to their company. Some will even use blogs to include ads as well as other methods of marketing to promote their business opportunity.

Once you know where you want your blogs to go and what you want to accomplish with your blogs, the sooner you start this process, the quicker you will start seeing some positive results.

I have had excellent results with the Google Blogger format. There are numerous plug ins and widgets that will make your blogging experience more effective. Blogs are one of my favorite marketing tools to build and earn "Top Positions on Google" and other fine search engines. Having multiple blogs using different keywords in the title can become extremely effective for earning those top spots. The beauty of using the Google Blogs is that they are free.

Do some serious research and see which blogging format is best suited for you and your needs, as well as which blog will help you to accomplish your marketing goals the easiest and quickest ways. Not all blogs are alike, so compare the features and benefits of each, and choose wisely.

If you're going to be using photos, videos, and other forms of media make sure your choice of blogging formats includes these add ons. Some formats will allow embed videos and slide shows in the sidebars. If you feel that you may want to include these features in the future…. then by all means choose a format that will support these features now. These features may be effective to capture the attention of the online user; however, the search engines are interested in good relevant content for their page ranking algorithms. Try to deliver a well balanced blog that will appeal to both the user and search engines.

Many companies use their blogs to get the information in front of the general public on special featured products that may be part of a promotional campaign for a particular month. They use the blog to point customers to the main website for further information. The overall objective is to make money and whatever way you choose to accomplish those goals is important to your success….the end result is what you need to look at and what tools is required to make it happen.

Consider add-ons such as bookmarking plug-ins, RSS feeds and other useful features that will make your blog easy to recommend to other users. You will start experiencing some powerful results from this method of marketing that you never thought was possible. Post as often as possible and regularly to get the maximum effectiveness. Set a goal for every day, every other day or maybe once per week, but post to your blog(s) consistently. If new products or services become available then post that information as soon as possible. Keeping your regular followers informed will develop into a steady flow of income if handled correctly.

One word of caution here is to provide good information about your market in general and not so much advertising for a specific product your trying to promote. Make sure you offer two or three links to your business opportunity at the bottom of your blog. The user likes to know how to get hold of you. Make it easy for them to find you without having to hunt and search for your contact information on past blogs or articles.

Having a log on your blog is one of the features I like on the Google Blogger format. This makes it easy for the reader to go back and find a blog or article of interest without having to spend a lot of time searching for your information.

In any business blog, it is recommended you refrain from posting your personal feelings, religious beliefs and political opinions, so keep them to yourself. Some people may agree with your feelings and beliefs, however, many are turned off when you mix these issues into a business environment. If you want to express your opinions then start another blog or post to another blog designed to cover such issues.

In your business blog, confine your information to news and comments about the industry that your blog is about. If you see a video, read an article, review a blog with pertinent information about your industry then sit down and write about your findings and comments in your blog about this new found information, and how it affects your business opportunity and benefits your clients.

This has been a very brief summary about blogging in general. If you've never blogged before, try it you'll probably like it. I'm sure you will like it more and more once you see the powerful results that can be derived from blogging.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your blogging challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Niche Marketing and You!

Recent reports indicate that "less than 5% of people who attempt to start an online business actually succeed," is truly an astounding revelation. Many become frustrated and just plain quit in a few weeks. Why is there such a high attrition rate to this segment of the internet? It's a simple answer….they haven't learned the process of marketing online correctly. Marketing on line is not a simple gig that everyone is willing to learn… takes a strong determination, commitment and an incredible amount of hard work to become the success most people only dream about.

There are certain simple hints that I will share with you in this article that will help you to get started without a lot of knowledge and hoopla.

If you find a niche market that you're familiar with, you can launch a marketing campaign that will promote that niche opportunity to the internet masses. Preferably you should look for and hopefully find a niche market that has a low competition rate and with a high demand for the product or services you're offering. Build in a fair profit margin for yourself and make sure the market you're going after has enough disposable income to afford your product or service.

Do some research and find the best keywords for your new niche website. Relevant keywords are imperative to any successful marketing campaign, so choose wisely. Google offers an excellent Keyword Tool that will make this whole process so much easier. Do a Google Search for the term Keyword Tool and follow the instructions to review one of the most informative selections of keywords that users commonly searched for. You will be able to determine which keywords are most searched for by the month as well as the popularity of the keywords.

Use your keywords and keyword phrases strategically in your websites, articles and emails in any and all of your promotional activities. Relevant keywords are what the search engines look for in your source code. The search engine robots come to your web site and spider for relevant keywords, keyword density and keyword proximity so they can index your site on the web with as high a page rank as possible. If these key factors are out of balance the search engines will penalize you for keyword stuffing and will take points away from your total score.

Using search engines is the method users find your product or service by typing a keyword or phrases in the search bar of their favorite search engine. The search engine will then use the keywords found from your website when they spider your site and compare those keywords with the users query and match the two and show the results of matching sites. With proper structure of your site and the use of relevant keywords, you should be indexed high in the query returns.

There's numerous way, you can find or build a niche website. If you are new to the online marketing scene, then you may wish to get involved in something you may be a bit familiar with. An example may be; you have a few years experience in selling medical equipment and know several different suppliers. Use your contacts from these suppliers and see if they will work with you on some kind of a drop shipping agreement with you for your web site. That way you won't have to inventory any product. They will probably be more than glad to give you the access to photos and descriptive information about their products that you can copy and paste and get started rather quickly without spending a lot of money.

You may not sell anything for a while, however, just hang in there and you will soon see results starting to take place for the efforts you've put forth. As soon as you get one product up and running, then put together another product and continue this process until you may have a complete array of products that you are making money with. Multiple streams of income in marketing is what every marketer is striving for.

Many times your follow up process and accessories you sell will make you more money than the original marketing campaign. Use your good judgment on many of these issues and you will find that in a short time you will be conducting your business like a seasoned professional. Don't expect any of this to happen overnight……It takes time, patience and a lot of hard work to build maintain and establish your online presence and a strong reputation. Don't try to shortcut this part of building your online business, shortcuts will always come back to haunt you later on.

Early on in your marketing venture, try to find and establish a good lead generating system that can be used to build a list of potential clients that you can market to later on. Keep accurate records of different interest the user shares with you when you acquire their personal information. This list is going to be your bread and butter in future marketing campaigns. These names are priceless and should be guarded by you at all cost.

Prospecting has always been an ongoing chore and always will be, so try to do it right the first time, keep accurate records and keep your contacts informed with weekly or bi-weekly newsletters about new and exciting things that are happening in your life, business and the overall market in general.

As you become more informed about marketing, you will find it an advantage to frequently review your statistics regarding conversions. If you have a good looking website, provide good information and make a high percentage of sale to contact ratio, then you may be OK with the current setup…However, if your conversion rate is low or non-existent, then you may want to revise your site, content and format and try the promotion again. One thing out of balance in your marketing strategy can ruin your chances of a successful marketing campaign. By tweaking one little thing can make the difference between success and failure when marketing.

Once you've found what works for you, stick with it and really start promoting aggressively. "Strike while the iron is hot" is important at this point in your marketing career.

With these few practical hints we've shared today, we trust that you've gained some vital information that will assist you in your online marketing venture. The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing goals and dreams. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Promote Your Business by Blogging!

Blogging is fast becoming one of the favorite marketing tools for many successful online entrepreneurs. There are many different venues you can participate in by using blogging as your main source of communication with groups or to the general audience of internet users. Blogging is not a difficult process even for someone who is just starting online. Many users will use blogging to keep their social contacts informed about current events, meetings and general information by writing a short message and posting in their blog of choice.

Others may use blogging as one of their marketing instruments in their businesses. I personally have 44 business blogs that I post to everyday. There's more than one of these blogs that has a page one ranking with Google. I have an incredible amount of followers on these blogs which is designed to keep the users informed with simple yet informative marketing tips.

Google blogger is an excellent blog that a newbie can build….best of all it's free. You can be very keyword specific on the title of these blogs and any articles you may write can become the content for a powerful blog. Some blogs are short in content word count and some are rather long. Both are acceptable to the search engines and the user who views your blog.

Blogs can take time to develop if you're going to use blogging as one of your marketing tools. If you're in this business for the short term, don't even waste your time on using blogging as an effective marketing tool, however, if you're serious, and your goals are long term then by all means start your blogging experience today.

By using blogging as one of the mediums for promoting your website you will experience additional traffic that may be converted into sales. Providing your reading audience with good relevant content in a blog with an RSS feed will build a huge audience of users that otherwise may have been isolated from your business opportunity for one reason or another.

When blogging you can normally use some stronger closing sales tactics in your blog compared to other methods of marketing such as in your emails and other methods of promotion you may normally use. Using blogging as an information source for your users, you will automatically build relationships that will become a strong bond between you the professional and the user which is your potential client.

Some blogs can be developed into a lucrative monthly income stream if constructed right and promoted correctly. If you're not familiar with how this process works, then seek the advice of your optimization specialist. It is the opinion of this author that blogging can be one of your most important marketing tools once you learn how to use blogging as it was designed to be used.. Blogs are free and easy to use for promoting any business opportunity you may be involved in.

If you have trouble writing, you will have to change your mind set before you see any results with blogging. If your frame of mind is set that you can't write, then there is no need to try to blog, because your thought process will transfer to your readers. You must train yourself that you can write and you're going to write regardless of how corny your content might seem to you. Your user audience will pick up on the sincerity of your writings and start to become avid followers of your information blogs.

Once you've determined that this type of marketing can help you obtain your online goals, you will start seeing some positive results from your blogging efforts. The power of positive thinking is truly demonstrated when you learn to blog. You must have the inner drive, ambition and motivation to create the energy within yourself to succeed in writing.

As in any every other aspect of our lives, once you are determined to make success happen, you've won half the battle already. Learn how to perform this rather simple process of blogging and you will find the rewards will be tremendous.

You must have patience in every aspect of marketing. Online marketing is an ongoing process and must be looked at as a long term commitment. If you're looking for a "Get Rich Quick" scheme then blogging may not be for you. Patience is a virtue. Never put a time frame on success in online marketing particularly in your blogging efforts. Depending on your level of expertise regarding different factors of marketing you may not see results in the near future. Just remember, commit for the long term without preconceived time restraints.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your blogging challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let Search Engines Work For You!

When we do a "Google Search" little do we know the process that takes place to provide the user with the relevant information regarding the keyword search term we requested information about. It's not important to understand all the behind the scene calculations that Google goes through to give you that information. Google uses over 200 signals, including their patented PageRank algorithm to provide you with relevant information in less than half a second.

The PageRank Technology of Google is a series of calculations of literally 500 million variables and 2 Billion terms. After Google goes through this process, the pages that Google believes to be important and relevant will receive a higher PageRank and will appear at or near the top of the search results for your query. Lower ranked sites will appear in lower page rank positions. You may find millions of sites that are less important in the eyes of the Search Engines simply because the site was not structured correctly for the search engines algorithms to give those site a good page rank.

Let's take a brief look at the path your query will follow when you do a search: Query - web server - index server - doc servers – user. The following is a quote from some Google information I reviewed recently explaining this process in simple detail.

"You make a query.....The web server sends the query to the index servers. The content inside the index servers is similar to the index in the back of a book - it tells which pages contain the words that match the query.

The query travels to the doc servers, which actually retrieve the stored documents. Snippets are generated to describe each search result.

The search results are returned to the user in a fraction of a second."

This is a huge amount of information the search engines calculates in order to give the end user the quality information regarding their query. My point is quite obvious, that it's imperative to have the proper title, meta tag description and keywords in the source code of your website in order to get good page rankings with any of the search engines. This is a process that you must learn early in your marketing career if you want to get recognized online and make money for your marketing efforts.

Google then conducts a hypertext-matching analysis which is to determine which pages of your website are relevant to the search query you typed in the search bar of your favorite search engine. The most relevant and reliable results will be listed first when combining overall importance and query-specific relevance then the lesser rankings will follow.

There are many factors that Google takes into consideration when doing this analysis. In addition to scanning the text, studying the meta tags and keywords and page content, the engines will take into consideration fonts, subdivisions and the precise location of each word in your website. Keyword Density and Keyword Proximity are also vital elements of this whole algorithm process.

The Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the actual results that the search engines has returned for your review which will be in direct response to the keyword query you typed in the search bar of your favorite engine.

This is the part in the overall marketing process where the Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist comes into play to advise you on how to promote your site to get the most out of your promotion efforts. SEO is aimed at achieving the very highest SERP rank possible for your website.

Back links also will play an important role in getting you recognized by the search engines. Back links are incoming links to your website. Your SEO professional will help you structure your site to accomplish getting links pointing back to your web site. The more back links pointing to your site the more significant your site is to the search engines for the purpose of PageRanking. Back links are also known by some other names such as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, cross links and inward links.

Many times the search engines will use the number of back links pointing to your website as one of the most important factors for establishing the page ranking of your site. Another important factor in establishing your page rank will be the anchor text of the back links. An anchor text is the descriptive labeling of a hyperlink as it appears on your webpage. The search engine robots, spiders and crawlers will examine the anchor text to determine the relevancy of the anchor text to the content of your website.

In Conclusion: There are many different elements that make for a well developed website that we've talked about here today. There are numerous other critical areas that must also be addressed to maximize your marketing efforts. If you don't know about links, back links, page rankings and anchor text then seek the services of a Search Engine Optimization Specialist. You've worked hard on your website, now let your site work for you.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Search Engine Optimization for the Newbie!

The questions is often ask, what's SEO stand for, and how much do I need to know about it? SEO is the acronym for "Search Engine Optimization" which Wikipedia gives an excellent explanation of what Search Engine Optimization all about. The following is a quote from Wikipedia the online encyclopedia.

"Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site or a web page (such as a blog) from search engines via "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results as opposed to other forms of search engine marketing ("SEM") which may deal with paid inclusion."

When a search query is made in the search bar of a search engine there are literally thousands of responses to your query. Many times there will be millions of search results appear for just one keyword or phrase that you're searching for. The higher your site ranks in the these results the more visitors you will receive from the search engines.

There are different kinds of searches, depending on your immediate needs. You may want to review information regarding a product or service that you have questions about. You may want to review an image, do a local search or possibly find information about the latest video featuring your favorite country singer. The list is endless and the information provide by a search engine can provide valuable results. The web can be viewed as your own personal library and always available at your finger tips with a click of the mouse.

Sometimes you may be totally at a loss of how to market a particular product or service online. An SEO consultant has studied how search engines work and what internet users search for online, then melds these important aspects of optimization into a specific marketing strategy to effectively promote a business opportunity to the online audience.

By editing the content of your website and making sure the source code of the site is correct, your SEO professional can make recommendations to implement the most effective keywords and keyword phrases into the source code and direct the search engine robot spiders to your site to accumulate information for indexing. The better your website is optimized, the higher your page rank positions will appear on the web when an online user searches for the keywords and phrases regarding your product or service.

We often hear the term "search engine friendly" when discussing optimization tactics. This can be referring to any number of segments within the structure of a website. It could be in the source code itself, in the design of the site, menus, images, content or any other part of the website. An experienced SEO specialist can pin point these problems quickly and recommend the proper action to correct any of these questionable elements.

As with anything else in life, someone is always trying to fool the search engines and mess with their guidelines and algorithms. This is referred to, in the industry as black hat tactics. This may include the use of link farms, keyword stuffing, hiding text and article spinning. Search engines are constantly looking for, and will find these questionable tactics and you will be penalized by the search engine to the tune of the engines removing a web site from their indices. Bad Search Engine Optimization tactics can drop your page ranking totally off the charts.

It's important to seek the advice of a SEO Specialist who knows what the search engines are looking for in their algorithms and practices and to only the very best White Hat optimization tactics in their services. What you're ultimately looking for is, as high a page rank as possible, preferably a page one, position one on Google and other fine search engines.

Let's talk for a minute about page rank. Page Rank is a function of the strength, quality and quantity of inbound links to your website. If you have a high page rank, the chances that one of your pages will be viewed by a web user who typed in a query in the search bar of their favorite search engine. The stronger the back links to your website the better off you will be in earning higher page rankings.

Google has been considered the pioneers of modern day page ranking tactics and guidelines. The algorithms that Google established early in their existence in the late 90's and continually change yet today, was designed to avoid unfair advantages some marketers developed in order to scam the search engines into higher page rankings for their web sites. With all the new changes implemented in recent months, Google has now leveled the playing field for all online marketers.

Google frowns on any schemes, such as link farms, whose sole purpose is to create thousands of sites in an attempt to link spam the search engines and will take the necessary actions to correct any questionable elements of optimization rather quickly. The search engines have designed some elaborate guidelines in their ranking algorithms in an effort to reduce link manipulation. Trying to fool the engines will end up being a quick death of your online business.

If you are in question about anything regarding optimization, you can go to Google, type in your question in the search bar and Google has an answer. Google guidelines, provides a priceless link you should bookmark. Google Guidelines site list the suggested practices for site owners and webmasters. Yahoo's Site Explorer is another tremendous wealth of information and will answer many questions as well. Study these two information sites; they will definitely keep you out of trouble.

If you're not familiar with SEO guidelines, algorithms and white hat procedures of marketing, then secure the services of a specialist. It has been stated, "Whatever you invest in SEO will be the best money you will ever spend."

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your optimization challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Drive Traffic to your Website!

It's been said that article marketing is a powerful driving force to get traffic to come to your website. Articles are a prime factor in getting the search engines to spider your site for ranking purposes. The higher the rankings that the search engines give you the bigger the slice of traffic you will get when a user queries one of your keywords. We will discuss more about keywords and keywords phrases later in this article.

As we all know, the more traffic coming to our site, the greater the potential for making a sales which generates a profit. Another benefit here is the opportunity to capture the user's personal information for building a list and promoting some of your future offerings. The value of this scenario is immeasurable not only for the short term, but long term results as well.

Writing articles with good keyword rich relevant content is the key element of making a website popular and generating substantial traffic to your website that you many convert into sales. By keeping the users informed with new and exciting information you can build a following of avid readers that are soon willing to do business with you, simply because you've provided the information they needed to make an informed decision.

I'm not talking about just stuffing your site with unrelated information or political issues. Leave that to your competition, but concentrate on each article covering some form of your business opportunity or information about how the user and potential client will benefit from doing business with you. Just a note here that you may disagree with, but here goes. If you want to make money online, keep your religious beliefs and political opinions to yourself unless someone asks for your opinion then be brief, strait forward and courteous then drop the subject and get on with business.

A well written article will definitely catch the eyes and interest of potential clients and keep them coming back for more information. Make it a point to provide your readers with RSS feed links, your contact information and phone number. People want to know you are real. I've had people call me and say "you really are a real person". I don't use alias names in my website or any of my writings. I want people to be able to get hold of me if they need help.

Once you start following these simple guidelines you will start getting phone calls for information about you and your business opportunities. You can't get a hotter lead than that.

We mentioned earlier in this writing about keywords and keyword phrases. Your writings must be focused around your keywords and keyword phrases for the search engines to index them properly. If you have a title of glass jars and lids and you article is about pets and pet supplies you will not be indexed correctly with the search engines and will not be seen by potential clients that may be interested in a new puppy. Use relevant keywords for the article your writing at any particular moment and try to use one or two or your keywords in the title if at all possible.

Many readers scan read or browse. You must plant keywords in your writings but be cautious about overdoing it. The search engines don't like keyword stuffing and will penalize you for more than 5-7% of keywords in relation to your entire content word count. Those keywords must be distributed throughout your writing for maximum effectiveness.

The important thing here is to have your writings with keywords that are related to and relevant to your website. One good example would be if you have a website that is about replacement parts for vintage cars the by all means write about the value of shopping with you for the widest selection and best prices for vintage car parts. I think you see my point.

We mentioned about the keyword density earlier. Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used in your writing. Having too many keywords or phrases in your writing will make you appear overeager to the reader, however, having too low a number you may be totally ignored by the search engines. Use some good common sense here and you should be OK with both the readers and the search engines.

Your writing should be informative as well be as a little bit of entertainment. You must get and maintain the attention of the reader with information that will provide a solution to their needs. Spelling and grammar are extremely important so check and double check and make sure your writing is well written. People will respect you and you will build a trust with your readers with well written information. Include some facts, statistics and figures in your writing will back up what you are writing about. Don't get too technical; just keep it simple, short and to the point.

Linking is an important part of this whole process, so make sure you include some links pointing to your opportunity in the byline area or resource box at the end of your writings. I don't put any links in the content area I reserve the content area strictly for information about my subject for the day. If people like your information and you build a relationship of trust with your readers, they will likely go ahead and click on the link to your site.

In conclusion, learn the process of marketing, writing and promoting in the right way and you will start see some positive results quickly. If you don't know how to do these basis chores then seek the help of a professional.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute "no obligation" consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!