Thursday, May 27, 2010

Advertising with Article Marketing!

Advertising your business opportunity can be accomplished in numerous ways using various venues of promotional methods. What worked a decade ago may be totally ineffective in today's marketplace. Many times, this process may seem to be a trial and error approach, especially if you're on a limited budget, and must spend your advertising dollars rather conservatively.

Some of our recent marketing articles have discussed some of these options, in greater detail; however, the same basic principals apply to most methods of advertising your product or service. The method that many professional marketers are raving about is the article marketing concept that is sweeping the internet like a tropical storm. Many online marketers have already experience phenomenal results with the advent of this age old method that has been reborn by some of the big names in online marketing.

Using article marketing as your advertising media is an ideal method to use, when advertising your products and professional services. With this method you are providing information about the features and benefits about a product and at the end of the article you can provide all of your contact information in the byline area at the bottom of your writing. This is extremely effective and acceptable with users as well as directories and publisher who pick up your writings and publish them on a mass basis. Some directories have literally thousands of subscribers and publishers who are looking for good information on any subject matter you can write about.

The internet is all about information, so as you can see, this is a natural progression of events that happens with a click of your mouse when you publish your opportunity on the internet. This is an ideal way to target market a specific audience of the internet.

There are 25 to 30 major categories that most publishers provide for postings your information to. However, there may be hundreds of thousands of sub categories within the major categories list. One well known directory has over a quarter of a million categories and sub categories for your use. You can even laser focus your writings to a particular geographic area of your own native country, or even the world for that matter. Use your imagination here, the possibilities are endless.

By using directories and publishers you don't need your own database. You can however use emails to distribute your articles if you like. As we pointed out earlier the possibilities are endless with article marketing.

As long as you don't change the content and byline of someone else's article, you can copy an article in its entirety and post in another article submission site if you give the original writer the credit for the article. Don't steal someone else's work and then try to pawn it off as your writings. Copywriting infringement can become very costly for you if you get caught; and you will. These writers have spent a lot of time writing these articles, so give them the credit they rightly deserve.

You can use some of the statements from another article by putting that statement in quotes and show that you are quoting an author, by giving that authors name immediately before or following the quote you've put into quotation marks. Never change the original form, absolutely no altering allowed,

The more interesting you can make your writings, the more people will become avid readers of your writings whether in emails, blogs or articles. Make sure you provide an RSS feed somewhere on your article directory to make it easier for your readers to find you and come back often to your site.

Including some technical information in your writings will give you some additional credibility with the reader regarding your information and ideas. Try not to overdo this part of the information you're writing about. Readers appreciate facts that are easy to assimilate without all the hype that normally comes traditional advertising.

Writing as you normal speak will normally be more acceptable by your reading audience. They will actually feel more at ease with a good flow of information you're writing about, instead of trying to talk about something you know little to nothing about. After awhile your readers will start building a confidence level in you and your writings, for telling it like it is. This is when you will start to see some interesting results from your writings. Visitors will start coming to your website to see more of what you have to offer. What a great feeling of accomplishment, when you start seeing your name in print as an authority of a particular subject.

Your writings should be more about useful information regarding your opportunity rather than just advertising. Most publishers and directories will not accept articles stuffed with advertisements. It is a good rule of thumb to save your promotional URLs and contact information in the authors byline at the bottom of your article if at all possible. This one single idea will save you from getting rejected by most of the article directories and publishers.

Using the fee services of an article directory submitter is an excellent way to get your writings published to thousands upon thousands of directories and publishers with one single posting of your article. This could well be the best business investment you'll ever make. Check it out!

In Summary: As we pointed out earlier in this article, there are many different venues and ways you can advertise, however, there is no other form of advertising that is as affordable, personal and powerful as article marketing. If you don't understand about this concept, then seek the advice of a professional who can explain in simple details the best way to get started in this revived method of advertising and by all indications, is fast becoming the wave of the future.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your article marketing challenges. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!


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