Monday, March 15, 2010

Build Your Online Business for Free!

Build Your Online Business for Free!

Most of us, sometime in our past, have had a strong desire, to own your own business. Building a profitable business is going to take a lot of time and effort. You just can't wave a magic wand, and all of a sudden, your in business. It's going to take some planning, hard work, dedication and stamina to accomplish your goals.

You can start out, by acquiring some free programs, that will help you get off to a good start. However, as time goes by, you may want to step up the pace a bit, and purchase some affordable marketing programs that will help you get the job done much quicker. It's your business, it's your choice. You're building a future here, for you and your family. You are in control of your destiny.

You will want to build some form of a web site, explaining exactly what your business opportunity is all about. Make your site informative, but keep it simple. Make sure you inform the consumers exactly what your services are all about, and how it will benefit the user. Avoid the use of technical terminologies, and write about your product or services in the language that a potential user can easily understand. Include the benefits to the user in the first couple of paragraphs of your site. You only have a small window of opportunity here to capture the interest of the potential client.

Once you get your site built, then comes the never ending chore of promoting your business. You are the public relations expert of your company. Whenever, and whatever you are writing about, whether in an article, e-mail, ezine etc., make sure you do a good proof read before you publish your materials. Bad grammar and incorrect spelling, can be a killer to your success, so proof read your writings, several times if necessary. The whole concept here is about letting the world know about your opportunity, and giving the reader the information to make an informed decision about you and/or your product or services.

You must keep the consumer informed, with updates about your opportunity. A news letter may be your method of choice to keep your viewers informed. What ever methods that works for you and your business is acceptable. It's your business, so cultivate your opportunity in various ways, and you will come up with the most practical methods of communication with your clients, rather quickly.

Blogging is an excellent way to keep the public informed. Writing one or two blogs a year really won't help much. However, if you are consistently writing articles, posting blogs, submitting to ezines, forums etc., your going to see results in a very short time. Posting to multiple blogs is an excellent way to promote. Title your blogs with keyword specific titles about your various products, and post to numerous blogs on a daily basis. I personally post to 47 blogs everyday. What a powerful way to get name recognition, and promote your opportunity to the masses.

Anytime you add new content your your web site, post a blog, submit a new article make sure you hand index your URL's to the Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. Use article directory, link directories and submission services to your advantage. The broader your posting to this type of services, the more exposure your going to generate with the search engines.

When writing, always use your signature information so the reader can contact you at their convenience. Make sure your name, web site address, phone number, e-mail and any other contact information is listed at the end of each of your writings, or communications to the potential clients, such as in a newsletter.

Many online businesses use the social networking sites to their advantage for marketing. You can search on line for various networking sites and if you feel any of these can be incorporated into your marketing strategies, go for it. The point here is very clear, use any and all methods of promoting your self and your business when your building your business.

Most of the strategies we've talked about here today, are free. If you need assistance in your marketing endeavors, there are numerous organizations that are available that can help you, and give you some answers. Do your research and get the help you need. Don't settle for second best.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist your in your marketing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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