Thursday, April 15, 2010

Article Marketing - The Next Phenomenon!

If you've been in the marketing online business for awhile and your business is stagnant or just up and died, then maybe a new direction will help you resurrect your business to a profitable marketing venture.

We all know that having visitors come to our site is a given if we're going to survive in business whether it's an online business or a storefront on the busiest corner of your home town. If your old methods have become non effective or you've lost interest, the end result is the same. No Visitors.....No Sales.....No Money. In simple business terms this means that you close your doors and you're out of business.

The goal here is to get users who are interested in your product or service to notice you and your online opportunity. There are numerous ways this can be accomplished if you're willing to put forth a reasonable effort.

There's a new trend that is gaining a lot of popularity that I've tried and it works. The most effective way to get laser focused users to your site is by writing articles about your product or service. The internet is all about information and according to some marketing expert's, article marketing is going to be the next big internet phenomenon. There was many millionaires made during the dot come era and I agree we are on the verge of one of the biggest happenings in internet history.

By writing good keyword rich articles with links back to your web site, you can keep users informed about your business opportunity. Once a user opts in and becomes a part of your database you can keep your targeted individual informed with the use of auto responders until they either opt out or become a customer. Each article you write will have a different approach and the user will soon look forward to your new information in your next article.

The search engines love articles with relevant content about your web site offering and will rank you higher in their algorithm which will be a tremendous surge to your online success.

There is a very simple process you can follow to get started, then make any changes that may help your accomplish your online marketing goals in your overall marketing process.

1. First of all you must be willing to take the time and write articles. If you don't know how to must learn how to write. You learn to write, by writing. As you continue to put your thoughts on paper, you will become a better writer and more effective.

2. In your articles it's imperative you put some links back to the home page of your site. Linking is another heavy weighted part of the search engines algorithms which will help you gain search engine popularity.

3. Having your contact information displayed every time you write an article is important. It is a good rule of thumb to include your name, phone number, Skype information and a workable email address that you check several times a day.

4. You may want to build a splash page with a brief description of your business opportunity and invite users to give you their contact information for additional features of your product or service. I have found that asking for an e-mail address only will get the best response for the users. The more information to try to get from the user on the original contact will be a turn off for most individuals.

5. Create an offer that makes the user want to opt in for more information. You will have to get a bit creative here without overwhelming the user with a lot of detail. A opt in form on your splash page is important to capture the users contact information.

6. Start writing today about any area of interest you may have and publish your articles whether you think the article is good or bad. Someone may view what you think is bad, and will respond with an order. You can publish your articles to blogs, forums etc… Check out the advantages of article directories and publish your writings to one or more directories on a regular basis. Some directories have the feature of posting your article to many other directories when you post to their system.

If you're truly serious about your marketing future and success, don't waste another day. If you haven't checked out the power of article marketing, check it out and get started today.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing efforts. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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