Saturday, April 17, 2010

Building a Powerful Online Presence!

There are a several different classes of people who use the internet on a regular basis. There are those who are interested in chit chat with friends and socializing in general. Then there are those who are looking for a soul mate who they can spend the rest of their life with. There's the serious user who uses the internet to research on a particular subject matter before making any choices. Then there's the serious individual who is interested in using the internet for a source of income. The individuals who wants to make an income online is who we want to talk about today and share some vital information with you that will help you become a better online marketer.

Sit down right now, and do some serious planning about your future and what it's going to take for you to become a successful online business. You've probably already spent a great deal of time, money and some mental anguish building a website. This is an important part of your overall plan because this is where your potential clients are going to find out more about your business opportunity you want them to purchase. Don't take shortcuts with this part of your building process.

A web site must become your online sales person, which can present the features and benefits of your opportunity for the world to see. It must include adequate information about you, your business and of course what's in it for the potential customer, if the user participates in your business proposal. This is a lot of information that a prospect must absorb in a relatively short time span when visiting your web site for the first time.

Many website owners fail to incorporate some of the most basis strategies of web site design, structure and optimization in their site and then wonder why they are'nt getting the traffic or conversions they think they deserve.

Many times it can be something very simple that has been left out of their website during the construction process. In my SEO Consulting experience I've witnessed sites that had excellent eye appeal to the user, however, there was no contact information where the potential client could place an order or get help with support. You can have the best product, flashy website, good content etc., but if the customer can't conveniently find your contact information, your sale is dead before you get started.

When you have a user click on your site, you have just a few seconds to capture that individuals attention, create a need for your product or service, make the choice to participate in your opportunity and then make that all important decision to make the purchase. If any one of these aspects is missing in your site, the potential client will click off your site, and go to another site offering a like product. Someone always wins in a sales situation. Either you win with the sale, or the customers win by saying no! Only when you win, does it make you any money.

Marketing online is all about building a relationship with your prospect, filling their needs and providing support if needed. You must build a trust with the client before they will give you their personal information. The website must provide good keyword rich content pertaining to your product or service and must create a sense of fulfillment for the client. There are three factors you must address in order to satisfy the customers positive response. Do they need it? Do they like it? Can they afford it?

This is where your good content is vital, simply because the customer has to make up their mind based on those 3 basis concepts. Will your product fill their needs? Once that hurdle is cleared, then do they like the idea that your product will do the job well enough for them to like it so much, that they make a right choice because it's the thing to do. This is a simple process, however, if your approach is made strictly from a sales standpoint your efforts will probably fail.

Don't try to force sell an individual, but provide good information and the sales process will evolve on its own good merits. Avoid using pop-over's and pop-under's at all cost.

After reading this article it should be clear to all of us, there is a right way and a wrong way to build a web site and then optimize that website for maximum effectiveness for the users as well as the search engines. If you don't know how to do this process, get the help of a professional to help you build your opportunity the right way. This is particularly important if you don't consider yourself a sales person or an optimization specialist. Having a plan is great; however, if you can't personally implement that plan into a profitable venture, then your efforts are in vain.

The eBiz Solutions Team is standing by to assist you in your marketing needs. Call today for your free 30 minute consultation.

"Let's Build Your Business Together"

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Private Line: 321-594-4405
Skype: larrylmiller121

The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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