Monday, April 12, 2010

The Power of Article Writing!

The Power of Article Writing!

Article writing is fast becoming the trendy thing to do on the internet for those who want to get a web site recognized by the search engines quickly. Not only is this method of communication's powerfully effective. The overall goal of writing informative content in articles, emails or newsletters is to inform the public of your business opportunity. By writing good content your readers will soon consider you as a reliable source for quality information regarding a particular subject matter.

The purpose of anyone's web site is to advertise their product or service. Whether it's a well known product or a necessary service we use every day the power of advertising will remain a powerful force to get your message out to the masses of online users. It's rather simple to slip in some form of advertising about your opportunity in your article writing. However, don't overdo this privilege here because the users will pick up on your sneaky tactics and will click off your writings quickly.

When publicizing a web site with the use of articles writing you should get a whole new audience of potential clients within a very short time. The variations in your writings which happens unconsciously when you write, will put a new spin on your information and will many times trigger a positive response and generate new users.

Links, back links, cross links and reciprocal links all play an important function in this process. Placing links in your writings pointing to your web site is a sure way to direct people to the information you want them to look at. There will be other companies that will pick up your writings and back links to your web site. As we've discussed on numerous occasions, linking is critical for getting the search engines to rank your page with a top position on the internet.

By writing and posting your articles to multiple sources [blogs, forum, directories] your article will get distributed, picked up and republished by sources that you won't even know about. This is the power of the internet working to your advantage. The more you write the more poplar you and your opportunity will become. This is another form of optimization that most people don't even consider as remotely important to your success, however, this part of the process is one of the most crucial parts of the whole concept of search engine marketing and optimization.

The first thing a user or search engine sees when they click on your site is the title of your article. Your title should stand out and catch the attention of the reader or search engine immediately. Your title doesn't have to be catchy, but the title must be specific, and convincing. There must be some allure to the title to catch the viewer's attention so they will keep reading what you have to say. By using relevant keywords or phrases somewhere in your title will help catch the attention of reader and search engines.

To consistently write compelling content for your articles you must do some extensive research to become informed about the full features and benefits of what you're selling. This is all part of the process of being informed and being able to convey your information to the masses on the internet. You'll be amazed how much you will learn in your research process. You can't put a price on knowledge.....knowledge is acquired and is priceless.

The content of your article is where you can promote your opportunity a bit more aggressively. Don't be to bold with your comments here, but be very specific of the features and benefits of your opportunity. This is where you should emphasis your keywords, and your links to gain the credibility of the search engines for page ranking. This is where you will establish a trust of the user so they can make that all important choice to either to participate in your offering .... or not to participate.

A well written and convincing short summary of your article may be all a person needs to make their decision to participate in your opportunity. Some like to place a summary of the article is all about at the beginning of the article, while others prefer to use a summary at the end to recap the high points of the article itself. Experiment with this issue and see which works best for you.

If your posting to directories, the authors Bio section of the directory is where you will give your audience the information on how to get in touch with you. Hopefully you were able to get the users attention with your content information that they will want to read more of your information. Include your contact information with your name, phone number, a workable e-mail address and don't forget to create a link to your web site.

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The Most Powerful Link on the Internet!

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